
About This Project


Design a responsive web application called 7 B.O.S.S. (Back Of Store System), taking a “mobile 1st” approach, to enable franchise owners and managers to efficiently view store inventory and place orders from any device, anywhere with internet access.




UX/UI Lead (Sole UX Resource)




  • Enhanced User Efficiency: Leveraged minimal existing user research to identify and improve inefficient manual processes, resulting in more than doubling user efficiency through strategic application architecture and refined UI design.
  • Developed Key Deliverables: Synthesized research findings into comprehensive reports and presentations for stakeholders, trainers, and franchise owners, providing critical insights for ongoing process enhancements.
  • Designed Comprehensive UI Assets: Created detailed low and high-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes to guide the development and ensure alignment with user needs and business goals.
  • Led Design Thinking Sessions: Facilitated design thinking workshops with 7-Eleven executives, fostering collaboration and generating innovative solutions to address user challenges and improve application functionality.